Command line actions and their arguments

Trubar is invoked by

trubar <common-arguments> <action> <arguments>

Common arguments are

Prints help and exits.
--conf <conf-file>
Specifies the configuration file.

Action must be one of the following:

  • collect: collects strings from the specified source tree,
  • translate: copies the source tree and replaces strings with their translations,
  • missing: prepares a file that contains untranslated messages from another message file (i.e., those with null translations),
  • merge: inserts translations from one message file into another,
  • template: uses translations into one language to prepare a template for another,
  • stat: reports on the number of type of translations.


trubar collect [-h] [-p pattern] [-s source-dir]
               [-r removed-translations] [-q] [-n]

Collects strings from the specified source tree, skipping files that don't end with .py or whose path includes tests/test_. (The latter can be changed in configuration file.) Strings with no effect are ignored; this is aimed at docstrings, but will also skip any other unused strings.

If the output file already exists, it is updated: new messages are merged into it, existing translations are kept, and obsolete messages are removed. The latter can be recorded using the option -r.

The name of the file with messages (preferrably .jaml). If the file does not exist, it is created, otherwise it is updated with new messages and obsolete messages are removed.
-s <path>, --source <path>
Defines the root directory of the source tree. Default is the current directory.
-p <pattern>, --pattern <pattern>
Gives a pattern that the file path must include to be considered. The pattern is checked against the entire path; e.g. -p rm/pi would match the path farm/
-r <removed-translations>, --removed <removed-translations>
The name of the file for messages that were present in the messages file but no longer needed.

-n, --dry-run: Run, but do not change the output file. The file with removed messages is still written.

-q, --quiet
Supresses the output, except critical error messages.


trubar translate [-h] [-s source-dir] [-d destination-dir]
                 [-p pattern] [--static static-files-dir]
                 [-q] [-v {0,1,2,3}] [-n]

Translates files with extension .py and writes them to destination directories, and copies all other files. Untranslated strings (marked null, false or true) are kept as they are. The action overwrites any existing files.

the name of the file with translated messages.
-s <source-dir>, --source <source-dir>
Root directory of the source tree. Default is the current directory.
-d <dest-path>, --dest <dest-path> (required)
Destination directory.
-p <pattern>, --pattern <pattern>
A pattern that the file path must include to be considered.
--static <static-files-path>
Copies the file from the given path into destination tree; essentially cp -R <static-files-path> <dest-path>/<static-file-path>. This is used for adding modules with target-language related features, like those for plural forms.
-q, --quiet
Supresses output messages, except for critical. Overrides option -v.
-v <level>, --verbosity <level>
Sets the verbosity level to 0 (critical messages, equivalent to -q), 1 (report on files that are created or updated), 2 (also list files that have not changed) or 3 (report on all files, including those merely copied). This option is ignored in presence of -q.
-n, --dry-run
Run, but do not write anything.


trubar merge [-h] [-o output-file] [-u unused] [-p pattern] [-n]
             translations messages

Merges translations into message file.

translations (required)
The "source" file with translations.
messages (required)
File with messages into which the translations from translations are merged. This file is modified unless another output file is given.
-o <output-file>, --output <output-file>
The output file name; if omitted, the file given as destination is changed.
-u <unused>, --unused <unused>
A name of the file for messages that no longer appear in the sources.
-p <pattern>, --pattern <pattern>
A pattern that the file path must include to be considered.
-n, --dry-run
Run, but do not write anything.


trubar missing [-h] [-p pattern] [-m all-messages] -o output-file

Prepare a file with missing translations. A translation is missing if the translated message is null. Alternatively, the user can pass a file with all messages (option -m), and the translation is missing if the translated file either does not include it or has a null translation.

messages (required)
The name of the file with messages.
-o <output-file>, --output <output-file> (required)
The name of the output file.
-m <msg-file>, --all-messages <msg-file>
If given, this file is considered to contain all messages.
-p <pattern>, --pattern <pattern>
If given, the output file will only contain messages from source files whose paths include the pattern.


trubar template [-h] [-p pattern] -o output-file messages

Create a template from existing translations. The output file will contain all strings that need attention.

  • Strings that are "translated" to false are skipped, because they must not be translated.
  • Strings that are "translated" to true are retained as they are. true indicates that they should probably be kept, but may also be translated if needed.
  • If string is translated, the original is kept, but translation is replaced by null.
  • Strings that are not translated (null) are kept.
messages (required)
Existing (preferrably complete) translations into some language.
-o <output-file, --output <output-file> (required)
Output file name.
-p <pattern>, --pattern <pattern>
If given, the output file will only contain messages from source files whose paths include the pattern.


trubar stat [-h] [-p pattern] messages

Print statistics about messages in the given file.

Here's an example output.

File with messages.
-p <pattern>, --pattern <pattern>
If given, the count will include files whose paths include the pattern.
Total messages: 11161

Translated:       3257    29.2%
Kept unchanged:    313     2.8%
Programmatic:     7065    63.3%
Total completed: 10635    95.3%

Untranslated:      526     4.7%

Translated messages are those with actual translations, unchanged are translated as true and "programmatic" as false. "Untranslated" messages are those that are still marked as null and require translations.